
Trying to make my intentions clear

I yawned until I exploded
I'm still alive, though
It's okay
I'm going to drive so fast that hitting anything
will cause instant death
and an explosion that will be able to be heard
from a helicopter
in the next city,
but the explosion will be dismissed as 'just an annoying sound'
A man walks up to the burning car
He appears worried about my condition
but his underlying motive is to appear
compassionate and caring to the people around him
 'Are you okay?'
I shoot him with a rocket launcher
and he explodes
because the gun laws are too lenient
I felt alive, dead, mystical,
My mom called to ask if I was okay
There was a sound in the background that sounded like
paper rubbing together, quietly
and I said, 'yeah, there was just an explosion
I'm still alive, though
it's okay'
'Oh, good'
There were three explosions in this poem

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